HRRVC Member

Q. How to use the icons on some web pages?

A. The image above demonstrates what each icon represents. Clicking on PDF button allows you to save the article as a PDF. Once the window comes up with the article in PDF, choose save button in Acrobat. Choose the location on your computer. Note: No images can be saved to PDF files.

Choosing the printer button will bring up a window with just the article. The printer icon again appears on the right side of the page. Click once to bring up your printer and preferences on your computer.

Choose Email button and a window displays a form to email a link to the article. Choose to whom the email gets sent to. If you are logged into the site, the form will fill in your name and email. If you are not logged in, please enter this information. Also enter the email address of the recipient. Once you send the email, the window will show a successful email. You can close the window.


Note:  Email links to member only areas, will only be available when logged into the site.

Note: Above buttons are not visible on every page.